All videos were post-produced using Debian GNU Linux open-source software
(dvgrab, kino, cinelerra, dvdauthor, transcode, ffmpeg...)
The Duel – documentary trailer
historical fencing documentary trailer
This is the trailer of a 52min-long documentary film shot with Janusz Sieniawski & Tomasz Abramski about the historical reconstruction of duels (fencing), working title: 'The Quest for the Identity of European Fencing'.
Unlike the sword masters show reel this trailer includes interviews with them as well as Piotr Czeczotka (armourer) and Marek Poznanski (trainer of gold medal foil fencers). A new version for French Tv was also close to preproduction but is now in stand-by.
Contents relevant to fencing schools & organisations trying to carry out historical reconstruction of credible duels with two-hand swords, rapiers & daggers, sabres, sticks and foils.
Znani w Polsce i zagranicą szermierze często biorą udział w aranżacji reklam i występują w filmach kinowych, jak n.p. Ogniem i Mieczem reżyserii Jerzego Hoffmana...
A glimpse of Lindy Hop by French frogs
swing dance documentary trailer (deprecated)
This is the short version of a 26min documentary essay shot in Nov 2004 as a preliminary to the forth-coming DVD documentary project 'Dance on Swing'. It was submitted with the script to Polish production house Signa Art to approach US Tv channels.
Contents relevant to Lindy Hop enthusiasts interested in a brief overview of the French Lindy Hop scene.. Contents will feel irrelevant or deprecated to intermediate and advanced dancers as this was only an essay...
Comment Andi Hafitz a découvert le Lindy Hop
interview from documentary project re. Lindy Hop
Extraits d'une interview avec Andi Hafitz (prof de Lindy Hop à Toulouse) tournée dans le cadre de la réalisation du documentaire portant sur la genèse et généalogie du Lindy Hop en France. Le pré-montage inclus quelques plans séquences de ses cours avec ses élèves (merci). Il explique comment pendant un certain mardi soir en Mars 1993 il s'étonne de la manière de danser le rock d'un élève suédois (Jon Angard)...
Footage shot during the Summer Camp 2007 organised by Anne-Helene & Bernard from Studio Hop for the purpose of the documentary film project on Lindy Hop in France (Subtitles will be available on the DVD).
Thomas & Emily – slow Lindy
dance performance
Thomas Blacharz (Tommy) & Emily dancing slow Lindy Hop. Footage shot during the Grenoble Swing Dance Festival GSDF 2006 organised by Grenoble Swing, for the purpose of the documentary film project on Lindy Hop in France.
Max & Alice – fast lindy
dance performance
Max & Alice dancing Fast Lindy. Footage shot during the Grenoble Swing Dance Festival GSDF 2006 organised by Grenoble Swing, for the purpose of the documentary film project on Lindy Hop in France.
Nicolas & Sandrine – Dean Collins' style
dance performance
Nicolas & Sandrine dancing Dean Collins style Lindy Hop. Footage shot during the Grenoble Swing Dance Festival GSDF 2006 organised by Grenoble Swing, for the purpose of the documentary film project on Lindy Hop in France.
Max & Marlou – West Coast
dance performance
Max & Marlou dancing West Coast style Lindy Hop. Footage shot during the Grenoble Swing Dance Festival GSDF 2006 organised by Grenoble Swing, for the purpose of the documentary film project on Lindy Hop in France.
Andy & Christelle – Balboa
dance performance
Andy & Christelle dancing Balboa. Footage shot during their Balboa week end in Lyon (Nov 2005) for the purpose of the documentary film project on Lindy Hop in France.
I was there - Sea Sun Swing 2005 DVD
trailer to French Lindy Hop camp Sea Sun Swing
The Sea Sun and Swing 2005 DVD is a souvenir of the camp's best performances and a collection of classes reviews for West Coast Swing, Lindy Hop and Balboa dancers. Some footage shot during the coverage of this week-long event is for use in the forth-coming Genesis & Genealogy documentary project.
This trailer focuses on organisers' motivations, dancers' reasons for attending such camps, the holiday-like touch, etc. It is not an instruction video though a glimpse of great performances from the DVD are included in the narrative.
Contents relevant to promotional needs of dance camps and understanding their popularity among Lindy Hop newbies.
(dvgrab, kino, cinelerra, dvdauthor, transcode, ffmpeg...)
The Duel – documentary trailer
A glimpse of Lindy Hop by French frogs
Comment Andi Hafitz a découvert le Lindy Hop
Thomas & Emily – slow Lindy
Max & Alice – fast lindy
Nicolas & Sandrine – Dean Collins' style
Max & Marlou – West Coast
Andy & Christelle – Balboa
I was there - Sea Sun Swing 2005 DVD
A glimpse of Lindy Hop by French frogs
Comment Andi Hafitz a découvert le Lindy Hop
Thomas & Emily – slow Lindy
Max & Alice – fast lindy
Nicolas & Sandrine – Dean Collins' style
Max & Marlou – West Coast
Andy & Christelle – Balboa
I was there - Sea Sun Swing 2005 DVD
The Duel – documentary trailer
historical fencing documentary trailerThis is the trailer of a 52min-long documentary film shot with Janusz Sieniawski & Tomasz Abramski about the historical reconstruction of duels (fencing), working title: 'The Quest for the Identity of European Fencing'.
Unlike the sword masters show reel this trailer includes interviews with them as well as Piotr Czeczotka (armourer) and Marek Poznanski (trainer of gold medal foil fencers). A new version for French Tv was also close to preproduction but is now in stand-by.
Contents relevant to fencing schools & organisations trying to carry out historical reconstruction of credible duels with two-hand swords, rapiers & daggers, sabres, sticks and foils.

A glimpse of Lindy Hop by French frogs
swing dance documentary trailer (deprecated)This is the short version of a 26min documentary essay shot in Nov 2004 as a preliminary to the forth-coming DVD documentary project 'Dance on Swing'. It was submitted with the script to Polish production house Signa Art to approach US Tv channels.
Contents relevant to Lindy Hop enthusiasts interested in a brief overview of the French Lindy Hop scene.. Contents will feel irrelevant or deprecated to intermediate and advanced dancers as this was only an essay...
Comment Andi Hafitz a découvert le Lindy Hop
interview from documentary project re. Lindy Hop

Thomas & Emily – slow Lindy
dance performanceThomas Blacharz (Tommy) & Emily dancing slow Lindy Hop. Footage shot during the Grenoble Swing Dance Festival GSDF 2006 organised by Grenoble Swing, for the purpose of the documentary film project on Lindy Hop in France.
Max & Alice – fast lindy
dance performanceMax & Alice dancing Fast Lindy. Footage shot during the Grenoble Swing Dance Festival GSDF 2006 organised by Grenoble Swing, for the purpose of the documentary film project on Lindy Hop in France.
Nicolas & Sandrine – Dean Collins' style
dance performanceNicolas & Sandrine dancing Dean Collins style Lindy Hop. Footage shot during the Grenoble Swing Dance Festival GSDF 2006 organised by Grenoble Swing, for the purpose of the documentary film project on Lindy Hop in France.
Max & Marlou – West Coast
dance performanceMax & Marlou dancing West Coast style Lindy Hop. Footage shot during the Grenoble Swing Dance Festival GSDF 2006 organised by Grenoble Swing, for the purpose of the documentary film project on Lindy Hop in France.
Andy & Christelle – Balboa
dance performanceAndy & Christelle dancing Balboa. Footage shot during their Balboa week end in Lyon (Nov 2005) for the purpose of the documentary film project on Lindy Hop in France.
I was there - Sea Sun Swing 2005 DVD
trailer to French Lindy Hop camp Sea Sun SwingThe Sea Sun and Swing 2005 DVD is a souvenir of the camp's best performances and a collection of classes reviews for West Coast Swing, Lindy Hop and Balboa dancers. Some footage shot during the coverage of this week-long event is for use in the forth-coming Genesis & Genealogy documentary project.
This trailer focuses on organisers' motivations, dancers' reasons for attending such camps, the holiday-like touch, etc. It is not an instruction video though a glimpse of great performances from the DVD are included in the narrative.
Contents relevant to promotional needs of dance camps and understanding their popularity among Lindy Hop newbies.